Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Life with Bryce

Bryce I've known you for 30 years there's a whole lotta memories wrapped up in those years.
Hard to choose one because you have been a part of everyday life ever since. First off, let me thank for your constant support of mine and Rics family!  You have always been there for us and we knew we could count on you for anything we needed!  Now let's see, some memories.....  your itemized Christmas list including price list, your Michael Jordan worship, watching you wrestle however briefly, watching you choose basketball over wrestling, then watching you play basketball, your little black truck, your big black truck, you getting hit by a train in that big black truck, me not believing you when you called to tell me you'd been hit by a train, watching you prepare for your mission and saying goodbye to you at the MTC,   Abbey cried because she was afraid you wouldn't remember her after two years away but you did and picked her up when you got off the plane.The picture you drew for Meagan when she was a very tiny baby.  You were so excited to be an Uncle, you were just little then.  When you were a teenager you taught her to say "totally awesome".You have been the best "uncle-brother" to all of my kids.All of my kids at one time or another asked if you were their brother.  Tyson wanted to quit wrestling because Uncle Bryce played basketball.  He used to sit right behind the bench and he loved Michael Jordan because you did.  You gave Alex her most loved and loyal companion, a stuffed dalmatian pup she named "Pongo."  Ric and I, and our kids being so excited about Kade. He was such a happy blessing that we all needed and we took countless photos of him and us with him. It was a like having my first grandbaby! Let's not forget taking turns tending your triplets at night, every different night choosing a different favorite. Creed was Alex's favorite because he was such a good baby for her. Tyson always picked Sage, and never let anyone else hold her. And I usually had Davin, he was always the best for me. And they were all VERY good for Ric, of course. So, so, many memories. Too many to list.  I am proud of you and I love you!

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