Saturday, December 21, 2013

"Remember The Titans"  the part when he is in the hospital.  Being hit by the truck and paralyzing him waist down.  His friend walked in to the room and the nurse stops him.  He told the nurse to stop and asked her if she could see the resemblance?  His friend being black he proceeded to say that they were BROTHERS!!  This has always been us bro.  You have always been my brotha!!  We have shared everything with each other.  Everyday through our cell phones and texting.  Everyday checking up on each other and making sure we were both ok. Going to New York, California and Pennsylvania together.  The times where we each had to open the blinds for each other and wake each other up because we were so depressed. All the times we sat next to each other in the Hospital.  The countless times we cried to each other.  Most of all bro is the countless times we laughed our asses off together.  Our times and memories together are limitless.  My most prized memories in my whole entire life are with YOU!!!  I know bro that we were best friends in the pre-existence.  We were brought together as bro's for so many reasons.  I love you bro with all my heart!!!  I LOVE YOU BRYCE!!! I always did and always will!!!

Remember the time I woke you up in the hotel room in Pennsylvania?  That was so FUNNY!!!
Remember the time on the golf course in Pennsylvania when I won you all those awards!!!
Remember the time about you taking my WOOGIE?
Remember the times of us Mountain Biking together day and night?
Remember the times of us laughing our butt's off at the Movies?

I wanted to THANK YOU BRYCE for everything you have done for me.
Being Best Friends has been priceless!!!  Thank you my brotha!! Thank you!!
I can't wait to build more memories with you!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS BRO!!!  This upcoming New Year (2014) is our year BUDDY!!!! You know what I'm talking about!!!

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