Monday, January 6, 2014

The Italians

"The Italians"

I didn't think Mark could be any happier then day he came home and said "Mom, we have Italians on our soccer team."  Davin and Creed quickly earned the nickname "the Italians" because of their great soccer skills (from the movie "Kicking and Screaming").  Then I thought he couldn't be any happier when he found out the Italians like heights as much as he does and they would play on the roof with him!  As a family we have loved having the Italians around more.  Together with Mark they have thrown tennis balls down our chimney, eaten huge dinners from Costa Vida, won the futsal championship, are on their way to winning an indoor championship, put together Dowdle puzzles (after winning the raffle), gone sledding, worn their goalie gloves all over the backyard, cheered at basketball games, and just been amazing young men!!!  We look forward to the time when we have "family dinners" with all of you together.  We lucked out when Mark walked onto the field the first day and came home with new brothers.

Our prayers are with you Bryce.  It takes an amazing father to raise such wonderful boys!  We can't wait to laugh and joke with you about all their antics.

Love, The Bigelow Family

Monday, December 30, 2013



Just wanted to tell you how great of a friend you have been to me. As I look over the years that we have known each other there are so many fond memories that I will never forget and in ways have shaped my life and I plan on making many more of those memories.
One of the fondest memories is of you taking an a plunge at Logan River Golf Course to retrieve your club that you threw in the lake. You actually did it and I didn't think you would.
I've also been with you in a bad situation and saw how strong you fought for you and your family. That's why I know you can do it again and again as long as it takes.
I count you as one of my closest friends even though we don't see each other that often (we'll have to make up for that!)
All my love and prayers are with you!
Love, your friend

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I have a friend named Bryce, and I remember the first day I met him. I thought this guy is someone I need to have  in my life. Bryce is a friend that has always had the ability to look past shortcomings and mistakes made. I have so many fun and crazy memories.  I just decided to do what kids do these days with some hash tags so that I don't make any friends or family blush... # skipping class for pheasants #skittles on the roof at Humphries #Midnight auto #High speed getaway's from jealous boyfriends #Pumpkin games #Fishing #Hunting #Boyz in the Hood and #Girls.... I cant wait to make some more hash tags brother!!! Thompson Tough

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

 Memories :
Well I wish I had some photos to share but I have some  memories that are pretty great, well where to start I always remember you with your Nissan truck parked out on the front lawn when you lived with Larry you were always washing it I think it was the cleanest truck on the planet :)  and of coarse your baby Tippy she was so spoiled ,  also playing spoons that was a lot of fun and it got a little dangerous lol  and then you got   ready to go on your mission and we were so proud of you and honored to be there when you got your patriotic blessing thanks for letting us share your day. These are some of the ones that really stick out in my mind there is so many more. We hope you enjoy reading all these memories and we will keep you and your family in our prayers and we will look forward to making more great memories Love you guys Carl and Shonna Clift

Toilet Model

Bryce, I don't know you well enough to have any personal stories with you, so I'm hoping it's alright to share some memories of your rockin' wife here, since it is through her that I know you...

I met your gorgeous, funny, caring, kind,  super physically fit wife when she brought Sage to The KImber Academy.   Between your triplets, and my quadruplets, we shared instant common ground for a friendship.  I have always been amazed at Jenni's abilities to juggle the home, the kids, soccer, gymnastics, wrestling, schooling, running, and being an all around fabulous person.  I can only imagine that anyone she has been married to for such a long time has to be equally as kick a$$...(can I say that here?) :)

My friendship with Jenni was solidified the day my very young son announced (loudly) in our children's very straight laced, religious classroom that he could "smell his balls."   Yup, yelled it while the other kids were quiet as church mice.  As only two semi crazed, rebel moms of multiples may understand,  we laughed about that one for months.  Similarly, when Ben and Jerry's introduced a particular Schweddy malted milk ball flavor (that wouldn't be sold in Utah due to it's name) she made sure that she sent me a photo of the ice cream box  so we could reminisce and laugh again.  

Then there was the time we took glamour shots at a benefit garage sale, on a small toilet we were trying to sell.   Doesn't sound like a glamour shot to you?  I think the photos speak for themselves ;)  And to those who were driving down 12300 South in Draper that day..."You're Welcome."

Of course, because of your wife and Sage, I've had the true privilege of meeting your awesome kids.  I imagine life with  Kade, Davin, Creed, and Sage is nothing short of spectacular.  It's always been obvious to me the love they have for you, and you for them.  You are a very blessed man.  You have much to fight for and I'm sure you will be relentless in that fight regardless of which side of the veil in which it is fought.

May God bless you Bryce.  We pray for you and your family every day and believe in the Almighty's abilities to perform miracles.

Merry Christmas,

Michelle Keller and family.

Mettle Wrestling

I think that greatest trust that you can place in someone is the privilege of allow someone to be a coach, mentor and teacher to your kids. Thank you for the opportunity that you have given me to get to know you Kade and your family. We have traveled together, sat in the corner together and set up mats together. I always admired your calm demeanor and the way in which you conducted yourself with dignity and class. I have learned a lot from you and will continue to pray for you and your family! No matter what happens, please know that we will always look out for your family! We will continue to pray for you through your fight!
Cole Kelley

To Dad From Creed

Dear Dad,
Thank you for everything you've done for me.  Thank you for working to get money to spend on us and get food for us and pay all of the house payments.  Thank you for paying for our soccer and letting us do as much soccer as we want.  Thank you for being the best dad in the world.  One of my favorite memories is when we went craw fishing with you.  Me and Davin would hop in and get all of the crawfish we could and you would put chicken on the shore and we would throw the crawfish onto the land and then they would go crazy and eat the chicken.  I had fun playing around and messing with the crawfish and then cooking them and eating then.  Another one of my favorite memories is when you got out of the hospital for a week and took us to the Park City tournament and we won first place.  We got to stay at a cool hotel and spend a lot of time with you.  We got to eat at our favorite pizza place in Park City and get all of those mints.  Thank you for always being there for me.

I love you,