Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bryce... My fortune teller!  I always joke around with you that you can literally read my fortune.  I remember you saying to me, "You got back together with Jake, didn't you??"   Not long after that you asked, "Are you pregnant??"  Of course I said NO because we were told we could not have our own kids.  It wasn't even a week later I actually DID find out I was pregnant!  After I told you, you said, "It will be a girl!!  Your first little girl!"  And you were completely right.
I remember calling you when we found out Jake's cancer MAY have returned.  I was so scared and wanted a friend to talk to.  You always amazed me at how much you and your family had been through.  I was scared to death to have to help Jake go through cancer a SECOND time.  I remember you telling me, "Be positive!  It won't be back!"  I know you probably knew it was back (being my fortune teller and all)... but you were so encouraging and helped me to try to look for the best.  I was devastated when we found out indeed it was back.  I was always SO grateful for your encouraging words and texts during that time.  You and Jenni were so supportive and helpful.  Thank you.
I know that you guys were "waiting" for the time you would get cancer.  I know it scared you a lot.  I was devastated when Jenni text me to tell me that you had Leukemia.  I hoped and prayed that it would pass you by!!  You have always been a great example to me...
First off:  Your positive and driven attitude!
Secondly:  The love and support you give to your children.  You are an amazing dad!
Thirdly:  The way you love Jenni.  I know that she is your everything and always has been!
You LOVE everyone.  You treat EVERYONE with kindess.  You are appreciative.  You serve.  You look for the good in others and talk only of the good in others.  Those qualities right there are the most important.  You are so Christ-Like Bryce.
Thank you so much for your example and determination.  I know things are scary.  And it is ok to be scared!!!  You are one of the strongest men I know.  You can beat this.  And I pray you will.
Thank you for being such a great friend Bryce.  I hope you have A Merry Christmas.
Please know you are always in our thoughts and prayers.  I am brought to tears every single day when my children, Hadley being barely 3, prays for Bryce to feel better.
We love you and are rooting for YOU.
Love, Shana Gardner and family

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